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» Strong carrying capacity,

» Horizontal and vertical movement capability,

» Electric and manual operation option,

» User-friendly electric crane systems offering easy operation with remote control.

Sekizli Machine & Crane Electric Crane Systems, Overhead Traveling Cranes, Lifting Groups, Gantry Cranes, Jib Cranes, Special Process Cranes, Cabin Cranes, Electric Load Carrying Platform, Battery-powered Load Wheel Transfer Vehicles, Battery-powered Rail Transfer Vehicles, Spare Parts, Monorail Cranes, Mobile Cranes, Double Girder Overhead Traveling Cranes, Single Girder Overhead Traveling Cranes, Portal Cranes, Cantilever Gantry Cranes, Semi Gantry Cranes, Jib Cranes, Console Cranes, Rotary Mobile Cranes (360°), Automated Cranes, EX-Proof Pneumatic Cranes, Shaft Mobile Cranes, Automated Mobile Cranes, Cabin Double Girder Overhead Traveling Cranes, Cabin Double Girder Gantry Cranes, Battery-powered Load Carriers - Rotary Rail System (RGV), Battery-powered Load Wheel Transfer Vehicles, Battery-powered Load Carriers - Rail System (RGV), Cable Load Carriers - Rail System, Spare Parts Hook Blocks, Load Pins, Overload Limit Switches, Speed Control Devices, Remote Control, Electrical Panels, Cable Carrying Systems, Enclosed Bar Systems, Drum Systems, Cable Collection Drums, Eldro Brakes, Crane Wheels, Maintenance Platforms, Rope Guides, T Switches, Electromagnetic Brakes, Collision Sensors


» Strong Durability,

» Adaptability in All Directions,

» High Performance,

» Various Usage Options,

» Easy Installation and Use Crane Spare Parts

Expert in High Precision and Balance
Millions of Hours of Experience, Customer Satisfaction

Tüsmer Certification Services Inc.​ Ve Machine And Crane Industry And Trade INC. arasında Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu teşvikleri kapsamında Üretici Firma Protokolü imzalanmıştır.

According to Law No. 5444 and related regulations published by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services of the Republic of Turkey, obtaining a Vocational Qualification Certificate (MYK Mesleki Yeterlilik Belgesi) is mandatory for occupations classified as Hazardous and Very Hazardous. This includes the specialties 15UY0205-3/00 Bridge Crane Operator and 13UY0145-3/03 Industrial Transporter. Expenses for exams and certification for individuals who pass the exams will be covered from the Unemployment Fund.

SEKİZLİ MACHINERY AND CRANE INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. aims to ensure that certification activities in these fields have both national and international validity. They emphasize the execution of practices by expert craftsmen, aiming to preserve the brand value in Turkey, minimize customer complaints and costs due to labor errors, and enhance competitiveness. Therefore, SEKİZLİ MACHINERY AND CRANE INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. supports artisans in obtaining MYK Vocational Qualification Certificates in the aforementioned specialties.

Under the Producer Firm (MYK) incentives, SEKİZLİ MACHINE AND CRANE INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. and TÜRK AK have signed a Producer Firm Protocol with TÜSMER CERTIFICATION SERVICES INC., accredited by TÜRK AK and authorized by MYK, to conduct Vocational Qualification Certificate exams independently and impartially. The exams for MYK Certification will be administered by TÜSMER CERTIFICATION SERVICES INC. Craftsmen who pass the exams will be eligible to receive the Vocational Qualification Certificate corresponding to their field of expertise.

Artisans seeking Vocational Qualification Certificates have three exam attempts. Those who do not pass on their first attempt are eligible for two additional free attempts. Vocational Qualification Certificates are produced in a specialized printing center in a way that cannot be duplicated and are available in 6 languages, accompanied by a Vocational Qualification Identity Card.

You can click on the following links to get information about the Vocational Qualification Certificate requirement.

For applications:


0 346 502 58 34